Kathryn Leonard
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Kathryn Leonard
Licensed Real Estate Salesperson
- Phone: (315) 382-8535
Kathryn Leonard is an accomplished realtor with over 10 years experience and is a graduate of the Realtor Institute. She has lived in the Syracuse area for 42 years and has been involved with various organizations, and their boards, such as Junior League of Syracuse, Boys and Girls club, Crouse Hospital, Limestone Creek Hunt, and United States Pony Club. Before becoming a realtor, she was very active in the Syracuse equestrian community riding, hunting, and competing. Since becoming a full-time realtor Kathy is an active member of the Fair Housing committee for the Greater Syracuse Association of Realtors. Kathy specializes in the East area representing both buyers and sellers. Kathy is originally from Garden City, New York. She graduated from Brown University in 1975 with a BA in psychology. Several years later she received an MA in Education from Cornell University where she met her husband Dan. After Cornell she and her husband moved to Syracuse and raised their three children who
- e-PRO®
- Equestrian Property Specialist
- Graduate REALTOR® Institute (GRI)
- eCertified®
- Website Certified
Kathryn Leonard is an accomplished realtor with over 10 years experience and is a graduate of the Realtor Institute. She has lived in the Syracuse area for 42 years and has been involved with various organizations, and their boards, such as Junior League of Syracuse, Boys and Girls club, Crouse Hospital, Limestone Creek Hunt, and United States Pony Club. Before becoming a realtor, she was very active in the Syracuse equestrian community riding, hunting, and competing. Since becoming a full-time realtor Kathy is an active member of the Fair Housing committee for the Greater Syracuse Association of Realtors. Kathy specializes in the East area representing both buyers and sellers. Kathy is originally from Garden City, New York. She graduated from Brown University in 1975 with a BA in psychology. Several years later she received an MA in Education from Cornell University where she met her husband Dan. After Cornell she and her husband moved to Syracuse and raised their three children who
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